Monday, September 2, 2019


God has been showing me about this place of obscurity that we are taken to in certain seasons of our lives. In my case it’s motherhood.
I call it obscurity because it’s not a place of notoriety or popularity. It’s not a place the world celebrates. To those with the season of little children or those that are stay at home mothers quickly realize that all our ties get cut. We seem to have a rhythm that is entirely unique to the outside world. All of our resources for enjoyment, from where we draw our strength and just go to for pleasure are cut off immediately as soon as the baby is handed into our arms after birth. 
It is a rude shock. The very thing that we thought would give us so much pleasure is the thing that restricts us from pleasure as we have experienced so far. It is hard to admit this. As moms we know the truth of this. As we go further along and add more children into the family we realize this place that we are led to called motherhood is a place that doesn’t get any easier. The desperate need for help gets bigger and deeper. 

I felt God say to me ‘what if I brought this to you so all your resources get cut down to just one, Me.’ 
You see we have run to all kinds of resources for help before we became a mother. Now we are unable to do that. We resist being broken and coming to God as our only resource. We want to have other avenues to go to for pleasure, distraction and strength. But motherhood doesn’t allow that. Our avenues for ‘ a break’ when we feel the need for it are taken away from us. 

But in this place of obscurity we are promised to be met by the most powerful being in the universe. We are promised strength, a renewing and a refreshing. He gently guides those with young. The only and probably  the hardest requirement is that we come broken and needy. 
A broken and Contrite spirit, He will not despise. (My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.
Psalm 51:17 
The kingdom of God is revealed to those who are meek and lowly of spirit. 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
There is something very very big he wants to do in us in this place of obscurity. It’s called dying to ourselves and finding life in Him. The more we fight brokenness and this place of solitude and being cut off from the movements of the world the more we delay this beautiful gift he so wants us to find. Of finding life in Him. There is a door to The kingdom of God and one of them is brokenness. There are secrets to the kingdom that he wants to reveal to those that want to pursue his presence. His presence is what he wants us to run to when we are so desperately lonely and broken unable to handles the hard battles of motherhood. But when we resist breakdown we delay the the beautiful place that we actually wants us to come to, into His arms in His presence. The intimacy he wants us to experience is where we draw strength from. It’s there in that intimate place that he wants to strengthen us renew us and refresh us. He also wants to reveal the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. 

When we can finally discover this truth we can keep our mind on things above rather than the things of the earth. 
When we reach this place we can handle the hard work of motherhood so much better. Suddenly we are able to take on more than just taking care of our family. Suddenly we want to give this way to the Kingdom to everyone! Our walk with God becomes alive and active! 
This place of obscurity is a gift mothers! It pushes us into His presence where we can experience intimacy with Him. And that is where we draw our strength. This is the maturity he wants us to come to. 

 There is only so much time while we are here on earth to intimately know this God we say we love. As mothers we have been given a gift. Let us use this gift to draw close to Him and He as He has promised in his Word, will draw close to us. 

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